The association has been a reliable partner in EU-funded projects for many years. The following sections list information on the completed key projects of the past years as well as the ongoing projects of the association.
With the NANO2LIFE project, the association took off in the field of nano-bioanalytics in 2004 and, together with its partners, focused in the following years primarily on the establishment of a nanomedicine network in Europe and the development of measures to accelerate the translation of nanomedicine products from science to the market.
Here, the association had a decisive influence on the successful implementation of the projects through its strategic expertise and its connections in various communities, as well as by bringing the bioanalytical expertise of the companies and universities from the region into the European consortia. Topics such as standardisation, harmonisation and regulation of new materials such as nanomaterials are repeatedly the focus of the projects in which the association participates.
Since 2017, the association's focus has expanded to include technologies for life sciences and health in addition to bioanalytics. The expertise and connections that the association has gathered at European level are now being profitably brought into the region, for example in the Enabling Networks Münsterland project.